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Apple Watch, 12″ MacBook Air Production Near


Tapscape has been reporting rumors of an Apple Watch (nee iWatch) and 12″ MacBook Air for more than a year. Moreover, this isn’t the first time we have noted (with confidence) that Apple Watch and/or 12″ MacBook Air production was about to begin. This time, however, we KNOW it (or not).

The DigiTimes (the tech verse issues an audible groan) claims that that the Apple iWatch and 12″ MacBook Air are expected to hit production in the first quarter of 2015. Yep, that could mean in a little more than a week or three-plus months from now, but fresh Apple gear is coming…

Following a pilot production at the end of 2014, Apple’s new 12-inch MacBook Air is expected to enter mass production in the first quarter of 2015, according to sources from the upstream supply chain. And with the Apple Watch also beginning production at about the same time, Apple’s supply chain players have started accelerating their supplies of related components.

It is widely believed that the 12″ MacBook Air will be the first Apple ultrabook to feature Intel’s Broadwell processors and, for the first time in years, a new Apple notebook design. There have also been rumblings that the 12″ MacBook Air could feature transformative Touch ID technology and that could mean Apple Pay tech, too.

And, of the Apple Watch? DigiTimes has little to say other than it’s coming soon

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