3 Ways To Keep Your Content Fresh

Standing out online can be difficult given the ever-growing world of websites, blogs, and social media pages. One of the major strategies every social media marketing firm will ask you to engage in to stand out online is creating fresh, relevant, and engaging content.

But how do you create content that’s fresh, evergreen, engaging, and relevant to your market? Well, that’s what we’ll be looking at in this article. The three steps explained below will help you keep your content fresh, thereby improving your chances of getting more readers and followers.

Trends and Niche-Related News

One of the most efficient ways professional social media marketing firms use to garner more followership and readership is by creating content around trends and popular topics related to their niches. Depending on your niche or goal, you can create content around new products or services, such as reviews and news.

Create honest feedback and insights around the products or services you offer. Your content should talk about the pros and cons of each product or service, leaving your readers or potential client with the option to buy or not. Do not write your content as an advertisement, but rather in a way that provides your users with a choice to either buy into your service or not.

Another good method you can follow is by utilizing Google Trends. If you’ve worked with an excellent digital marketing or social media marketing firm, you’ll know that the importance of Google tools like Google Analytics and Google Trends cannot be overstated.

With Google Trends, you’ll be able to stay on top of trending news and topics associated with related keywords in your niche or industry. Furthermore, you’ll be able to sort the data according to the region where they are trending, which can help with local SEO. You’ll know what topics are trending in your area and those that aren’t. And if local SEO isn’t your goal, you can create content that will help you attract new interest, allowing your blog or website to gain more exposure.

Take Inspiration From Your Competition

Peeking at what your competition is doing and how they’re doing it can help you create fresh content for your page. One of the best and most effective ways to achieve this is by utilizing the Google Keyword tool.

With this tool, you’ll be able to determine the keywords your competition is focusing on, the popularity of the keywords, and how much demand is being placed on them. If the keywords are close to the title you’ve come up with, find out the number of websites that have the same article published on their websites.

However, it’s important to mention that you must not copy your competition’s content. While it isn’t a bad idea to use their content as a source of inspiration, it isn’t ideal to copy the same information your competition has on their website or blog. Besides the fact that copying content will affect your SEO, your readers and followers are also likely to notice, especially if they follow your competitors as well.

To create original content, you can make your supporting points different, cover similar or related topics, or add in your personal experience if possible. If you have no choice but to relay the same points as your competitors, make sure the points are only major points or important advice.

Create a Content Plan

Ask any competent digital marketing or social media marketing firm how to create fresh content for your website and social pages, and they’ll tell you that having a content plan is one of the best strategies you can employ. A content plan helps you determine the kind of content you need to create as well as the goal behind creating the said content. For you to effectively utilize this strategy, you need to know what your audience responds to and the kind of content they love reading.

You can create surveys to ask your audience the kind of content they’d like to see on your website. You can also interview them, pick out the top answers, and create content on them. With methods like this, you’ll be able to pinpoint what your audience wants and the direction your content needs to take while removing the aspects that aren’t working.

Additionally, you can integrate a framework that helps you boost your conversion plans into your content strategy. While creating fresh, relevant, and engaging content is a great idea, you don’t want to lose sight of conversions. Create content that piques your audience’s interest and turns that interest into sales, followership, sign-ups, or any other goal you consider as conversion.


Creating new content shouldn’t be your only goal. Go back to the old articles and blog posts you have on your website. Check to see if they still offer relevant information. Update them, rewrite them in your brand’s voice, add more information to provide clarity, include better images, and optimize them properly for SEO. Add this to the three steps above and you’ll have an improved chance of staying relevant online than your competition.