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4 Simple Parenting Tips That Promote Learning

4 Simple Parenting Tips That Promote Learning

As a parent, you have to fulfill multiple roles in the life of your children. You need to be their housekeeper, driver, play buddy, counselor, and role model. But when it comes to learning, what can you do to help your child feel comfortable in all subject areas?

You don’t need to have a degree in children’s education to enhance your little one’s learning experience. All you need to do is make a positive contribution to their life in any way you can. This includes creating a supportive environment where they can feel safe and reassuring them, they can come to talk to you whenever they need help.

Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you promote a healthy educational experience for your children.

Don’t Act like a Teacher

It can be hard at times to understand this, especially since not so long ago, you were used to being your child’s entire universe, but you have to realize that you are not your child’s teacher. Parenting does not mean you need to be a replacement for school.

This type of mentality allows you to be kind but firm when necessary, establish rules and routines, but still be their friend when your child needs it.

Offer to help with homework or anything they might need, but don’t try to replace their teacher or impose your own learning techniques on them.

Encourage your Kids to Ask Questions

Teachers often encourage children to ask questions when they don’t understand a certain matter, but the kids rarely do so, either because they are not interested in the subject or because they fear they will be judged. Encourage your kid to ask questions, both simple and complex, to help them gather more information and deepen their knowledge.

Simple questions help them gather information, while complex questions help them dig deeper and discover more. Teach them to use both when needed.

Read to your Kids as Much as you Can

There is no limit to how much you can read to your children. Usually, as much as they let you. Try to make reading a habit in your house, every day if possible, to encourage children to grow a love for books. Start small, reading to them for 10-15 minutes a day, then encourage them to do it for themselves.

You can also apply a reading regime often used in schools, which is called D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read). But for this to work, you will also have to read a book together with your kids, not be on your computer or phone.

Teach them to Find Answers on their Own

Autonomous learning is one of the best things you can teach your children. This will help them grow to become self-sufficient and teach them they don’t need to rely on other people every time they encounter the smallest inconvenience.

When your child comes home with questions, don’t provide answers to them right away. Chances are, they will forget the information the next second. Instead, teach them to explore on their own and guide them to find answers. Your role as a parent is to guide them, not give them everything on a silver platter.