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5 Expert Tips about Dressing Right for Your First Day on the Golf Course!

5 Expert Tips about Dressing Right for Your First Day on the Golf Course!

Taking up a new hobby or pastime can be exciting. Not only would you have potentially found a new way to relax but you get to buy all the accessories that go along with it. Taking up golf is no different!

If you’ve decided to head out to the Mandurah golf course or another local course for your first time as a new golfer, it’s important to be prepared. Wearing the right clothes is as important as having the right gear!

Beginners Guide to Dressing Right for Golf

We’ve all seen those movies where the new guy on the golf course shows up wearing bright-coloured plaid pants with an equally bright-coloured shirt. In every storyline, he turns out to be the butt of the joke. You don’t want to be that guy!

While you might think it doesn’t really matter what you wear, this isn’t true. What you wear will determine if anyone on the golf course is going to take you seriously! Fortunately, we have a few expert tips to get you set up for your first few sessions on the golf course.

Collared Shirts

Collared golf shirts are a staple on the golf course. They are called “golf shirts” for a reason! You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to available styles and colours. When you’re choosing the style, opt for something simple for your first few sessions.

One reason for this is that you’ll be doing a lot of swinging and lifting your arms, so you want to be comfortable. This is not the time for the tightest fit you can find! When it comes to colour, opt for a neutral or light hue.

Choosing a light colour is more practical than it is fashionable. We all know that dark colours attract heat and you don’t want to be uncomfortable before you’re even 30 minutes into the day! Women should avoid shirts that are sleeveless and collarless.


On some smaller golf courses, athletic-style pants might fly. You might even have seen people going to play golf in jeans. However, it’s important to note this isn’t the norm or acceptable on every golf course.

When choosing pants for golf, opt for khaki-type shorts about the length of your knee. Shorts should have belt loops as shirts need to be tucked into shorts. Avoid cargo pants with many pockets. This isn’t the time to carry your keys, cell phone and lunch on your person!

Ladies can wear skirts but need to make sure the skirt isn’t too short. It’s important to keep the shorts on or just above the knee. Short shorts aren’t allowed! Many golf courses won’t allow players or guests on to the golf course if this rule isn’t followed.


Choosing the right shoes is important for a few reasons. For starters, you’re playing on a field of grass (called the green) that’s been meticulously maintained for exactly this purpose. You don’t want to be the guy who ruined the greens with your boots!

Secondly, you’re going to be walking in those shoes for quite possibly the whole day. Having uncomfortable shoes causes you to feel irritated and not focus on your game.

For most courses, it’s acceptable to wear sneakers. For comfort, it’s recommended that you opt for a neutral athletic type of sneaker.

Since golf shoes are quite expensive, you should only invest in a pair if you’re certain you’re going to be carrying on with the sport. It would be a waste if you’re not sure if golf is for you.


Other than your golf bag, there are only a few small accessories that’ll you’ll need. Spending the day on the golf course will leave you exposed to harsh UV rays for a number of hours. Sunscreen, a comfortable hat and even sunglasses are a good idea.

The good news is, if you no longer need these accessories, they’re small enough to fit in your golf bag! It’s also a good idea to invest in a golf glove, since it might provide you with considerably more grip.

Jacket and Jerseys

For the most part, you should avoid jackets with zippers that could get in the way of your golf swing. Opt for light jerseys or pullovers that won’t be bulky and uncomfortable to play in.

Final Thought

Deciding to take up golf can be a lot of fun. It’s a relaxing game that gives you a break from the rat race. It’s also a great way for you to get out and enjoy some fresh air and Vitamin D which can sometimes be lacking in an office environment.

Investing in the right gear and the perfect outfit will go a long way toward making you feel comfortable on the day. It’ll also ensure you don’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Be sure to check the rules and dress code requirements on the website of the club you’re going to. Golf is fun, and there’s no reason why you can’t look awesome doing it!