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5 Top Types of Equipment That are a Must-Have for Your Catering Business

5 Top Types of Equipment That are a Must-Have for Your Catering Business

Have you decided that it’s time to turn your passion for food and talent for baking into a business venture? Are you planning to run your business from your home? It’s important to note that you will need more than your regular stove and fridge to get started.

When caterers set out to create their own businesses, one of the first steps is always to invest in quality commercial equipment such as blast freezers and commercial ovens. This is because the average stove and freezer may not be designed to handle the volume of cooking and baking that you’re going to be doing.

The Right Equipment for the Job

Starting your own catering business involves more than just using what you have to create your dream. As with any new business, having the right tools for the job is crucial to getting everything done professionally and efficiently.

The items you’ll need depend largely on the type of catering business you’re going to have and how often you’ll be preparing food. Our experts have compiled a list of the top five items that will benefit your business whether you’re cooking, baking or both.

1.     Commercial Fridge or Blast Freezer

Whether you’re cooking or baking, you will need a commercial fridge. While a regular fridge will work for smaller jobs, keep in mind that your own household products are most likely being stored there.

It will be more professional to keep your business’ ingredients and dishes separate from the catering. This will ensure that items remain fresh and don’t get damaged, contaminated or accidentally eaten! Additionally, regular fridges aren’t designed to be opened and closed often and you’ll be adding or removing ingredients regularly throughout the day.

In addition to a commercial fridge, you may want to opt for a blast freezer. The most significant benefits of this product include the following:

2.     Large Oven

Grilling and baking are key parts of regular catering. That means you will need an oven that can handle the workload, especially if you will be baking and cooking all day. Essentially, commercial ovens have been designed to help in the preparation of multiple dishes evenly without needing constant supervision and checking.

Some of the top benefits associated with using a commercial oven are listed as:

3.     Quality Dishwasher

You may think you’ll manage just fine with manually washing dishes. While that may work in the early stages of your business, this can become time-consuming as your business grows.

The advantages of using a dishwasher in your catering business include the following:

4.     Ice Machines

If you’re catering for weddings, big events and any summer functions, you’ll need ice. This is especially the case if you’re serving drinks and desserts. In the winter months, you can even use ice to thin products such as soups and gravies.

5.     Stainless Steel Bench

While it’s normal to prepare your food on a kitchen table or counter, your catering business will benefit from a stainless steel bench. These benches are not only easy to clean but come in a variety of lengths and sizes, making it easy to find the best model for your kitchen space.

Some benches also boast lower shelving units which add extra space for utensils, bowls and other catering equipment. Having a long table dedicated to your catering business is perfect for baking or preparing large orders such as pies, appetisers or even cupcakes.

Final Thoughts

If managed correctly, a catering business can be very lucrative. Many people opt to run their catering businesses from their homes to reduce potential overhead costs, but it’s still important to invest in the right equipment. This will not only ensure that you can produce quality food consistently, but it will free up time to take on new orders as your business grows!