Online advertising has changed. The introduction of the Smartphone has had a tremendous impact how we consume content on regular basis. Mobile users look for easy to scan, quick to read, multimedia rich content.
The impact has been felt everywhere, even the online casino industry. Here are 7 frequently asked questions that encapsulate just how much the industry has changed since going mobile.
Mobile also adopts newer technology and interactive trends more quickly, making it very hard for advertisers to follow those shifts in focus. We are now living in the age of live video streaming, use of text apps like WhatsApp and FB Messenger – closed platforms where ads are unwelcome.
The ever present Ad-block has yet to reach the mobile market. Once there, it would be even harder for advertisers to both automate the content creation process and escape its grasp for censoring ads.
Overall, it seems difficult to exist in the mobile marketing sector but all is not lost. These trends are arising with new potentials that can be embraced in order to deliver a clear message to your targeted audience.
In our short overview we will go through the biggest marketing trends on mobile. We will avoid VR for now since it is still in its adoptive stage and its disruptive strength is not yet fully realized:
1. IOT
Let’s begging with the one trend that is expected to rule “all” – the Internet of Things (or IOT for short). Used as a buzzword for so many years, IOT is here now and more companies than ever are having it in their scope for some big projects.
The IOT house, workplace, freeway and more, all have the mobile device in the center. Imagined as a “system of systems’ IOT is the perfect platform to situate the marketing strategy, seeing how the HUB for all that data will be set in a smartphone.
2. Wearables
Smartwatches were just the beginning. While not as popular as the industry analysts believed, smart-wearable devices are thing of the future. The marketing industry sees great potential in both displaying advertising materials to and “ON” said wearables.
Yes we are constrained to a small screen on a smartwatch but the possibilities including “smart clothes” and other appliances are truly endless. We just have to wait and see how fashion blends technology for the true marketing value to become apparent.
3. Focus on (Marketing) Automation
One of the key aspects of successful marketing on mobile is the shift towards big data and automation in terms of content creation. Social media apps and user interaction that isn’t governed by the user himself, are privy to content creation from the marketers.
While users retain a great deal of insight and customization, marketers will be able to utilize the data available to tailor the preferred content for the user. Thanks to modern software this process is automated without additional need to handle new topics as they arise. This is of course generally speaking – creativity is still king in ads creation though the conversation will be much faster and more detailed thanks to big data.
4. Ad-block Drives Advertisers to Mobile
The “desktop crowd” has had Ad Block for several years now and the negative impacts are already burning “traditional” online marketers. With this in mind, more and more efforts are being put to mobile advertising as a relatively safe portion with no Ad Block presence.
This of course going to change soon, with Ad Block having plans to be integrated to mobile browsers and apps. The idea is not to block access to ads on mobile but to improve the content. Nobody wants disruptive ads that ruin the experience.
5. Streaming – the New Marketing Content King
Live video is making huge strides on mobile for a good reason – people love to watch videos, especially on their smartphone! Periscope revolutionized the idea for streaming, and Twitch, Facebook Live and other apps have perfected it.
Mobile video streaming is booming and Facebook has already announced their huge effort to invite celebrities and content creators to create video for platform promotion. Not only is streaming great for engagement, it opens up a ton of possibilities for promotion.
Live streaming also offers a brand new insight into user interests, with new data metrics for how long users stay interested and follow your video updates.