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5 Ways Technology Runs the Jewelry Scene

5 Ways Technology Runs the Jewelry Scene 01

Technology has always played a major role in the world and in most markets, technology is the reason for so many advancements. One of those markets is the jewelry market. Although it might sound hard to believe, technology actually runs the jewelry market and here’s why.

1. Lab made diamonds are hot sellers

When you look at the diamond jewelry market, lab made diamonds are hot sellers for many reasons. Of course, we’re talking diamonds here, which can get quite expensive, so price is one of the biggest reasons lab grown diamonds sell. Since they’re created in a laboratory that simulates the natural conditions under which a diamond is made in nature, they cost far less to produce than to mine.

The diamond mining industry has always been huge, but it’s also tainted with a reputation of violence, child exploitation, and dangerous working conditions. Diamonds are often used to fund wars and political movements, and hundreds of miners lose their lives every year. Not to mention, mining diamonds has a massively devastating impact, leaving behind craters and tainted water supplies.

Lab made diamonds make it possible for the jewelry industry to thrive without damaging the earth or risking anyone’s life or freedom.

2. Computer-aided design (CAD)

When you see jewelers that make custom jewelry, it’s safe to say they’re using some form of CAD software to create their designs. It’s much easier to use software to design jewelry because designers can create one theme as a template and add variations to create new pieces without much effort. Designers can also save various elements of their designs for use with any other piece.

CAD software is excellent at helping jewelry designers create details in their pieces because they can zoom in and add those details in 3D. This type of software makes viewing a complete design easy because the program will show it from every angle.

While new jewelry designs usually start off as sketches, paper sketches can only take a design so far. It’s hard to visualize a design in 3D without software. It’s also hard to erase ideas and start over when you’re sketching on paper. With CAD software, designers can add and remove their changes quickly so it doesn’t interrupt their creative flow.

There’s one other way CAD software supports the jewelry industry. Some programs produce photorealistic images, which jewelers can use to show their customers how a custom finished piece will look.

3. 3D printing

Most people understand what 3D printing is, but it’s a fairly new technology. Used in combination with CAD software, a 3D printer can help a jewelry designer print certain components of their pieces on-demand. It’s not just plastic that can be used – there are 3D printers that use metals like gold, silver, and even bronze.

4. Laser sintering

If you thought 3D printing was cool, laser sintering is even more impressive. This process uses a laser to melt powdered metal into a specific shape layer by layer. This process is impressive because it’s capable of creating intricate finished pieces with hinges and pins.

The downside to laser sintering is that it’s still a new technology and is expensive, so it’s not being used all over the jewelry world just yet. When it does become more mainstream, many jewelers will enjoy it because it eliminates the need to make plastic or wax models to cast pieces.

5. Technology makes designs easily accessible

Just like jewelers make and sell different pieces of jewelry, they also make and sell designs to other jewelers. Not necessarily large jewelry companies, but many independent designers get commissioned to create designs for others. In fact, some people only create designs for others to turn into actual pieces of jewelry.

Because technology makes it easy to create jewelry designs with software, it’s easy to distribute those designs across the world. Instead of having to create 500 pieces of a particular item and then ship it overseas, a company can simply send over the design and have the pieces made in the location where they’ll be sold, saving tons of money on shipping costs.

Technology supports a strong jewelry market

The days of jewelers making individual pieces with just sketches and molds are soon to be gone, but that’s not a bad thing. Technology is making it easier for jewelers to craft their ideal pieces more precisely and faster than ever, and this supports a strong jewelry market with happy customers who can get exactly what they want.