Dashboards should provide your employees with the information they need to do their jobs at a glance and in real-time. If you’re looking for ways to boost productivity and better inform your teams, EZ Rankings has shared six things you can do that will give you the reporting dashboards you desire.
Remove Unnecessary Charts:
When you begin your dashboard makeover, you might be tempted to replace old reports with new ones. While new charts and graphs can certainly add value, make sure the information they provide is necessary and relevant for all of your employees. Unnecessary data will only clutter your user’s dashboards and make it difficult to quickly find the information they need.
Nix ‘filler’ Charts:
Just like brick-and-mortar buildings need foundations, reporting dashboards require a strong foundation. Make sure that every chart you add reflects one of your business goals or strategies, such as boosting customer satisfaction or increasing profitability. If you’re unsure of which metrics belong on your dashboard, simply ask yourself: “How does this chart help our organization achieve our goals?”.
If navigating through different screens to find the necessary information is time-consuming and cumbersome, employees will quickly grow tired of their reporting dashboards. Even the most comprehensive reports will become useless if users don’t have an easy way to access them. If you currently have multiple metrics that are scattered across various reports, think about whether consolidating them into one report might make it easier for employees to digest.
If there are areas in your dashboard where too many values are condensed together, consider splitting up these sections into separate pages instead. Consider customizing sizes for clear differentiation between categories:
Hide Non-Relevant Information:
While employees need the information presented in their reports to be accurate, they don’t want to see data that isn’t relevant to them. This is why it’s important for all users on your team to update their profiles periodically if there are changes in their responsibilities or areas of focus. If you’re not sure which metrics should be visible, consider listing this information under each chart.
How people interact with graphs and charts will determine how much time they spend reviewing the data. Creating different levels of access can make it easier for employees to review certain figures without having to go through the entire dashboard every time. Keep in mind “at a glance” includes hovering one’s mouse over elements; keeping interactive graphics simple, clear, and elegant; use color cautiously.
When your employees visit their reporting dashboards, they should be able to access what they need at a glance. By organizing the data access, you can make the dashboard more productive for everyone.
Fix Misleading Axes:
The most effective graphical representation is one that accurately represents the data it is plotting. While this may seem intuitive, you’d be surprised how many people make mistakes when labeling their axes. If your graphical elements don’t match up with what’s being presented, it will immediately cause confusion and lead to inaccurate conclusions.
Fixing misleading axes on your dashboard will require some simple arithmetic at first but can save you a huge headache later on. For example, if you’re plotting monthly sales over time it might be tempting to show July as 200 instead of 150—after all, it’s easier to read -200 than -150. However, somewhere between June 2014 and August 2014, there was an increase of 50 units sold which creates a bit of a problem since they can’t both be 200.
Fixing the problem is simply a matter of adding 50 to July’s value and dividing that result by two: 200+50=250/2=125. This change in representation may seem subtle, but updating the labels to fit the data will ensure that your employees don’t make incorrect assumptions about the data.
Boost Productivity and Better Understand your Data:
Reporting dashboards can either be a powerful tool for your business or a waste of time and resources. By keeping your employees’ profiles up to date, streamlining navigation, and simplifying reports, you can ensure that everyone has easy access to all of the data they need for making informed decisions. With an updated and useful reporting dashboard, your employees can spend less time sifting through data and more time taking action on the figures that matter most.
The best way to boost productivity and better understand your data is to give your reporting dashboard a makeover. By streamlining navigation and simplifying reports, your employees can finally spend more time taking action on accurate data, and less time sifting through it.
Wrapping up!
Having an intuitive dashboard can help you work in a more productive manner. Follow the above tips shared by a leading SEO Company India to give a cutting-edge makeover to your dashboard and have a better understanding of your business data. The more you optimize your dashboard, the more you can understand your customers and the popular services/products you offer.