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8 Houseplants to Keep You Healthy this Winter

8 Houseplants to Keep You Healthy this Winter

Winter has arrived and freezing outdoor temperatures have forced many people to spend an extended amount of time indoors. This can leave your home feeling stale, causing allergies and other illnesses such as the flu to occur. Purify your home during these blistery winter months by incorporating a selection of tropical houseplants from Hicks Nurseries into your home.

At one time, NASA conducted studies that revealed the benefits of having houseplants indoors. Their research showed that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. As they take in the air in their environment, their leaves act as filters to remove pollution. They can, in fact, cleanse their environment of toxins found in detergents, carpeting, furniture and paints. This cleaner air can help to boost your mood, reduce stress and calm anxiety. Plants also act as natural humidifiers to clear your sinuses and help you sleep better.

They also perform double duty by introducing cheery color and ambience to a window sill, brightening an otherwise grey view of the winter landscape outside.

Here are eight of our favorite air purifying houseplants:

ZZ Plant (Zamioculas zamiifolia)

Although it’s name sounds like it would put you to sleep, its dark green leaves are actually an exciting display upon upright stalks. It removes pollutants such as xylene and toluene from the air.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

A modern plant with upright, sword-shaped leaves, the snake plant tolerates low light and neglect. It converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night, helping you to enjoy a good night’s sleep.


Succulents such as aloe vera filter benzene and formaldehyde out of the air. They are available in many shapes, sizes and leaf patterns that release oxygen into the air.


Bromeliads are available in a wide assortment of varieties with a colorful spike that lasts for several months. They are known for their ability to clean harmful VOCs from the air.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum hybrids)

The peace lily is popular for its bright, white flowers and shiny, deep green leaves. It blooms best in medium light conditions. It filters benzene and trichloroethylene chemicals from the air.

Barberton Daisy

Daisies are popular beauties indoors or out. The Barberton variety offers much more than good looks by cleaning the air of formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. You may be wondering how these toxins found their way into your house in the first place. Many of the cleaning products we use introduce harmful chemicals into the air we breathe.

English Ivy

Great for making indoor topiaries, the English Ivy is easy to grow and is very effective in removing mold particles from the air. If your home is often damp, this plant will help counteract the effects.


Although most popular as a fall annual outdoors, chrysanthemums happen to be very effective in ridding the air of toxins like ammonia and benzene, commonly found in cleaning products, plastics, and glue.

We recommend you include at least one 10-12” houseplant per 100 square feet to purify the air. Their vibrant leaves and interesting textures will add beauty, while also cleaning the air you and your family breathe to keep you healthy throughout the winter months.