Nokia Lumia 1320

At this very moment in time, there will be no doubt that thousands of people worldwide are currently using a mobile device that enables app’s on their systems. Applications for devices have completely changed our attitude to phones; and we now no longer use them for just calling or texting. We can now play games, organize, remind, plan, bank, shop, and do just about anything.

Apps like a game or application generally average in price from .99 cents to 5.00. If it becomes trending, the creators of these applications can become filthy rich within a matter of days as it begins to span worldwide.

But what million dollar idea can start off a frenzied global spending spree?

One very simple but clever idea can be summed up by the picture below:


Animals like selfies, too.

As the generations get younger, the pressure and importance of self image has become imperative. Millions of photos are taken (often know as ‘selfies’) each day, and posted on social media sites such as Facebook with apps such as Instagram. Just how much each app catering to photography have raked in is staggering:


Color Splash by Pocket Pixels (2011)

Function: A photo app that specialises in colour focal points editing.

Estimated Renvenue: $4,900,00+


At least 7,000,000+ times!


Instagram by Burbn Inc (2010)

Function: Photo editing app which has been tied with a 1 billion deal with Facebook.

Estimated Revenue: $1, 000, 000, 000.


Estimated 60, 000, 000+ times!


Hipstamatic by Hipstamatic (2009)

Function: Retro editing for Iphone photographs.

Estimated Revenue: $10, 000, 000+


At least 5,000, 000+ times!


Camera+ by taptaptap (2010)

Function: Simple photo editing software app.

Estimated Revenue: $8, 900, 000


An estimate of 8,000,000 times!


Fat Booth by Pivi & Co (2010)

Function: A photo editing app designed purely for making one’s face stretched and flabby.

Estimated Revenue: $24,000,000


At least 35,000,000 times!


So the next time you are considering a get-rich quick scheme, an app with just another way for a fabulous social networker to snap photos of his daily life through his Iphone is a possible cash cow. Who knows? Your app may become the latest selfie photo filter in a large,self image obsessed world.