Is your CRM service pulling its weight? Has your contact center seen a dip in quality management due to slow business? There are ways to improve your outcome by leveraging digital channels, boosting the customer experience, and focusing on off-premises solutions that allow you to turn your attention to increased business growth and development.
From rethinking customer service and quality assurance to finding a CRM that guarantees easy use of the platform, there are plenty of ways to get over a business slump. Here are a few ways to rethink your current solutions and choose new integrations.
The Contact Center
A major component of your CRM is its integration with your call center. A powerful cloud contact center can use an open platform to work across multiple digital channels and streamline all of the phone calls your business takes on a daily basis. Not only is it easier to manage these phone calls and route them to the correct call center manager but it also can improve your general call outcome. Innovative companies like Bright Pattern offer a powerful contact center solution that makes managing phone calls within your CRM platform much more intuitive.
Since Bright Pattern offers the only true omnichannel cloud platform, it’s the smartest way to revamp your CRM efforts. Not only can you manage additional digital channels outside of simply your CRM and contact center, but you can make it easier to achieve better call outcomes. There are dozens of pros for business users and since the Bright Pattern software was crafted by a team of industry veterans, you know that it’s designed with intent and purpose.
The Sales Funnel
Especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s to be expected that business is dragging a bit. Your call center manager isn’t fielding as many phone calls. Your sales have dipped. You’re looking for a single sign that will tell you what direction to take your business efforts. Luckily, you can start by rethinking how your sales funnel is managed and restructure it for a more modern approach. You need to take your customers’ needs into account and think of the best way to tap into their desires without coming across as exploitative or underhanded.
Instead of being incredibly aggressive with your marketing tactics — as some businesses have attempted to do — you need to take a more tactful, restrained approach. Many customers are dealing with layoffs, pay reductions, and unemployment. By restructuring your sales funnel within your CRM, you can take a more measured approach to outreach and business initiative.
One tactic that has been working for hundreds of businesses across the nation is pledging a percentage of sales to charitable causes and community outreach. By doing so, you’re incentivizing your customers to support your business because of what their dollars can do for others. Some popular examples of this include PPE companies in Colorado that are donating essential items to healthcare workers for every mask their customers buy.
You can set up flags within your CRM to donate customers who are interested in charitable giving programs. When it comes time to seek repeat business, you can place those customers within a separate funnel and continue the incentivized programming. While this might not make up for every slump in your business, it’s an excellent start that will greatly appeal to a number of buyers.
Continued Efforts
A slow business pattern can make you feel stuck. Business users often struggle to navigate these periods effectively and they can lead to large amounts of demoralization. Luckily, by making some smart tweaks to your business efforts and your CRM, you can compensate for these difficult periods and continue forging ahead.