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A Team is More Successful When Leader is not above the Others of the Team

A Team is More Successful When Leader is not above the Others of the Team

Around the globe, there are many successful leaders, business tycoons and moneyed personages we come to experience. From the acclaimed Microsoft to a small snack retailer, everyone is successful in their way. I prefer reading the stories about overcoming aggravated situations or projects that worked magically, which were not supposed to work at all. The sources I rely on are sometimes the news, sometimes the LinkedIn or sometimes speech of the person available on YouTube. Often I experience these things; like those personages are approaching themselves with their little stories of success, how they formed their mission, what motivated them, the steps towards achieving the goal, the obstacles they faced while walking on the path and many more.

Stalking those posts approached by the personages related to the business world is one of my daily routines, and this is what I use my social media websites during my leisure time. Suddenly my eyes were on a composition written by Finance Professional Artem Kovalev about one of his past phases. The spoken words were something beyond our view and enriched my knowledge by another level. After perusing the brief, I am sure; team work will become just as more comfortable as blink and gaining the stability of a team is nothing but few secret manners. I have read this kind of thing a lot, but this is the first time I see that an individual had experienced in real life.

First: it was a team of twenty-eight officers, and Artem was one of that team. They all were working as a risk management team. The vital thing Artem realized, no one means no superior should ever tell to do something which he cannot do. We should always ask for the performance only, which we can perform. One may face difficulties regarding performing, but as leaders, we need to show them the right path to do that task rightly.

Second: pass the right information. Information is not a matter which supposed to keep secret; it should be spoken loudly.

Furthermore, psychological research regarding informing has formed this process as a vital role that the individuals of a group can do and ensure success.

Third: nobody wants a manager who acts like a boss. But when the authority elects a person who works as an employee with others as well as directing, that moment brings a hidden joy and smile on the employees. Despite talking with the employees or subordinates can solve many issues in a little while, it can make feel the subordinate extraordinary and more prioritized.

Forth: this point of view of subject-matter expert Artem Kovalev enticed me more than any other views did. This point points a down to earth leader. Leader himself is an ordinary team member. Hence, in a team, one assists another during work, cooperates in crucial times, and the whole team succeeds. There is no responsibility for an individual alone. One becomes unsuccessful, so does the entire team. One is responsible for others’ victory and vice versa.

Another thought is that the whole team should understand the facts, why the leader is a leader, the importance of the project, leader and the visions of the leader.

Fifth: the final phase of that composition is that a good person creates sound, and negatives turn things into worse. Decision making about a team is probably the most vicious stage one may face, I think. A single wrong decision can break the efficiency of a team. It can bring more energy, either if the choice is right. Post or remove the negative individual is mandatory. But firstly, a leader must ensure that it does not affect the team severely. To ensure this, a leader can do some tasks, discuss with that negative individual, describing the lack of the behaviour or the impact on the other members and how that negativity can be changed. If the changes don’t occur, the termination is a must. And for the sake of the team and team’s performance, recruiting the right individual is also a must-do task.