About Us

Since 2010, Tapscape.com has been a trusted source for the latest in technology news and analysis. Tapscape is also a leading reviewer of the latest in apps for both iOS and Android devices, with over 2000 apps reviewed to date.

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  • Shaun Campbell (Reviewer)
  • William Chambers (Reviewer)
  • Ronald Carlson (Journalist)
  • Matthew Adams (Journalist)
  • Katrina Canlas (Journalist)
  • Joseph Green (Reviewer)
  • Daniel Meegan (Reviewer)
  • Gautam Bharadwaj (Journalist)
  • Abhay Ram (Journalist)
  • Abhishek Kasireddy (Journalist)
  • Rehan Muhammad (Journalist)

To get in touch with our editorial staff please visit our contact page.

Our Privacy Policy can be viewed here.

Wanna blog for Tapscape?

Change is our a big part of the technology and news media industry, it’s also a big part of Tapscape. We are always looking to add to our team of writers at any time, particularly if the right candidate comes along.

The truth is, our site is only as good as the people we hire, so if you…

  • Are passionate about smartphones and gadgets
  • Love to be involved in all things digital
  • Know a great app from a bad app (and all that fall in between)
  • Have excellent written English skills
  • Strong research skills
  • Have a desire to write content that audiences want to read!

… then we want to get to know you! We can help you build your online writing skills so that you are as attractive to a global audience of readers as you are to search engines.

We employ a team of writers from around the world so you’ll be working as part on an online team. Once hired, we pay our writers per post with a bonus for page views.

If you think you have what it takes, then we want to hear from you. Please email support@tapscape.com with a brief statement on why you’d be a good fit and one published or unpublished sample of your writing.