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‘AirLocation’ iPhone App Shares GPS With iPad

AirLocation, an iOS application that allows users to share their iPhone’s GPS location information their iPhone to their iPad, is rapidly growing in popularity.

After that it’s simple, according to the developer’s website:

  1. Turn on the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone
  2. Connect your iPad to the Personal Hotspot
  3. Start AirLocation on your iPhone and iPad
  4. AirLocation on your iPad will now track your location based on GPS data provided by your iPhone

It’s certainly an interesting concept. But come on… if you’re going to go through this trouble and pay the monthly Hotspot fee, iDevice users might as well dish out an extra $129 for a more dedicated solution — an iPad 3G.

The application requires iOS 4.3.0 or above and the ‘Personal Hotspot’ option must be turned on.  ‘AirLocation’ is available in the App Store for 99 cents.