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America's AT&T Will Allow 'Mobile Hotspot' on iPhone 4

In late 2008 AT&T”s Ralph de la Vega announced that you”d be able to use your iPhone to tether to your netbook and use it as a modem. Well since then everything on the tethering scene went a bit quiet…

Since then we”ve all seen on the HTC phones the Wi-Fi tethering feature, right? Well hold your hats because now with iOS 4.3 just around the corner as announced with the iPad 2 at one of Apple”s famous conferences, its mobile hotspot will be a big new feature available to users and more importantly – mobile carriers and developers.

Whilst in the UK on phones that support the feature there is no charge for creating a Wi-Fi tether, AT&T have announced that their price will be a whopping $45 dollars casino pa natet (that”s 20 dollars on top of the $25 already paid for their 2GB plan!). No doubt plenty of iPhone users will be happy to pay the best online casino extra cash for the feature and with 4GB of monthly allowance with the contract there will be plenty of room to maneuver.

AT&T say that the reason it has taken so long to get the feature going is because “iPhone tethering has the potential to exponentially increase traffic, and we need to ensure that we”re able to deliver excellent performance for the feature – over and above the increases in data traffic we”re already seeing – before we will offer the feature. (Source Engadget)”

iPhone users will be eagerly awaiting iOS 4.3 now with it”s new AirPlay features as well as FaceTime upgrades. Watch this space, we will have it all.