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Android iTunes App: Crazy Like a Fox


Many people think that Apple and Google are natural enemies, but their relationship isn’t that simple. Fundamentally, they’re both giant corporations whose primary purpose is to make money. That said, why wouldn’t Apple make an Android iTunes App?

One of the great things about Steve Jobs was that he changed his mind. Not only that, once he flipped, the change was adopted with gusto.

A great example of this is October 30, 2003, the day Steve Jobs announced that “hell froze over.” It was the day Apple would ship iTunes for Windows.

In one transformative instant, the iPod + iTunes went from being the best mp3 player + music store on the Mac to the best on Windows, too. Boom, done.

Android iTunes: The App

Now, Billboard reports that Apple is considering bringing their industry leading music + TV + ebook + movie store + streaming audio service to Android via dedicated app.

Apple has opened exploratory talks with senior [music] label executives about the possibility of launching an on-demand streaming service that would rival Spotify and Beats Music, according to three people familiar with the talks. Apple is also thinking about adding an iTunes App for Android phones, the Google rival that has been growing faster than the iPhone, these sources said.

In truth, Apple’s iTunes Radio is already quite competitive in terms of features and offers an unbeatable catalog — no one comes close, not even Pandora.

iTunes Radio, as is, will continue to do just fine.

However, as was the case with the iPod, simply opening the platform up the platform to Windows, shipping iTunes for computers running Windows transformed the iPod + iTunes platform into a world beater.

So, again, why wouldn’t Apple ship an Android iTunes App? Or, alternately, Android iTunes Radio app? Show Android people just how good iTunes and iTunes Radio really is.

Android iTunes isn’t just a really good idea, it’s a world beater…

What’s your take?