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Apple’s iAd platform getting ready for iRadio

With reports freshly circulating the internet of Apple’s progress of agreeing licensing deals with the various music production companies, another report suggest that the iAd team are being prepped for the iRadio launch.


With a deal reached with Warner Music Group, and negotiations seemingly wrapping up with the other companies, iRadio looks as if it will be ready for an unveiling at WWDC 2013 and that is only backed up by the news that Apple’s iAd team have been briefed to rethink how they sell mobile ads to better cater for the new iRadio service.

Bloomberg’s Adam Satariano reports:

“Apple Inc. (AAPL), planning to release a music-streaming service next week, is revamping how it sells mobile advertising to cater to businesses eager to reach customers as they listen to songs, people familiar with the changes said.

The company has taken steps to be more flexible with advertisers to get more business. Apple has required marketers to pay a fee for each 1,000 times an advertisement is placed in an app, plus an additional $2 for every time a customer clicks that ad. In some cases, Apple has eliminated one of those charges, one person familiar with the company said.

Apple also has cut prices so that media agencies can spend $1 million and use the purchased space for different advertising clients. And Apple started taking ad business from companies that sell alcohol, something Jobs resisted after creating iAd, said one person.”

In addition, it appears Apple is trying to leverage the fact that it already knows the media downloading habits of its customers from the history backlog it has from iTunes, and therefore can offer better targeting.

WWDC 2013 kicks off in under a week on Monday June 10th and it seems increedibly likely that Apple will unveil their iRadio streaming service to rival the likes of Google All Access, Spotify, and Pandora.