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Apple is now freezing Application screenshots in the App Store

Apple’s approval process is by no means perfect, and there have been a lot of Apps that have slipped under Apple’s radar and testing process, making it into the App Store, only to find that it isn’t what it says it is, or has some other hidden (sometimes unwanted) functionality. This has included a fake Pokemon, fake Minecraft, and numerous fake copies of popular Cydia tweaks, all aimed at convincing poor misinformed individuals of an official App.


However, this is now going to change according to MacRumors with Apple freezing the screenshots you see in the App Store. Previously, a developer could submit one set of screenshots which were genuine and passed Apple’s checked, and once approved and in the App Store, the developer could then change them for fake screenshots. It is then these screenshots that were aimed at confusing and tricking users into thinking it was a different App.

Apple issued this statement:

Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app.

Screenshots can now only be modified with Apple-approved updates to the App so those Applications pretending to be for another purchase, disguising under a copyrighted or fake App from either another platform or Cydia, will no longer be possible – at least you would hope.

This is definitely a step in the right direction to combat fraud in the App Store and to give users of iOS more confidence in their purchases and the whole approval system, which has come under much criticism for being too lengthy and not thorough enough for such time scales.

Have you been caught out by a seemingly genuine App, only to find out it wasn’t what it seemed? Let us know in the comments section below.