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iTunes 11.0.5 released to fix iCloud, Beta 2 for Devs

itunes in the cloud

Apple has just issued an update to iTunes for Mac and PC, which brings the version to 11.0.5. The update fixes various issues to do with the cloud. The issue a variety of users had reported was to do with certain purchases randomly downloading media and then playing them. iTunes 11.0.5 has now been released into the public download to fix this bug.

Apple iTunes-11.0.5


Apple seeded iOS 7 Beta 6 to developers yesterday which also fixed the issue with iTunes in the Cloud:

This update corrects an issue with iTunes in the Cloud, where some purchases may download or play unexpected items.

iOS 7 Beta 6 required users to install a configuration update and press a button in settings to completely flush out media for the device. For the latest version of iTunes, no such additional configuration installation is required.

iTunes 11.0.5 Update

You can trigger the update by checking for new software automatically by launching iTunes or hitting the Apple Software program.

Apple has also released iTunes 11.1 Beta 2 for developers. Whilst the release notes state this version of iTunes 11.1 includes iTunes Radio support, this was included in Beta 1, so exactly what is new in Beta 2 is relatively unknown at this point.

This version of iTunes includes the new iTunes Radio – a great new way to discover music. iTunes Radio requires OS X 10.7 or later and is available in the U.S.

You can download iTunes 11.1 Beta 2 from Apple’s Dev Center if you have a qualifying account. You will need to be a registered member of Apple Dev Center in order to get your hands on iTunes, iOS, OS X and Safari betas.

Let us know if you find anything new in the latest release of iTunes by leaving a comment in the section below. Or perhaps this is just adding support for the upcoming iOS 7 Gold Master?