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Apple Considering Alternative iWatch Charging Methods

A new report from the New York Times suggests that Apple is looking at new charging methods for some of its devices, including the iWatch. These charging methods may not been entirely new as Apple could end up including wireless charging technologies in its devices, something that other tech companies have begun to do.

Apple Considering Alternative iWatch Charging MethodsHowever, a former Apple executive told the New York Times that the company has continuously tried to figure out a way in which solar charging for iPhones and other products could work. The executive says that the technology may still be years off but that Apple views it as a possibility for future generations of the iWatch, iPhone, etc.

Through a patent filing we have also learned that Apple is at least contemplating a motion-based charging system that would presumably supplement the core charging method. The patent states that a device could be charged when the user is running or walking with the help of magnets. For a device like the iWatch, which is likely to be used more easily when exercising, this charging method could extend the device’s battery life.

At the same time as Apple is trying to find a new way to charge some of its upcoming devices, the company is also working on technologies meant to increase battery life. Now that devices are becoming more powerful and smaller at the same time, battery life with many phones and watches is dreadful. While a new charging method like motion or solar would inherently allow a device to last longer, improving the actual battery technology is something that consumers have been waiting for.

The first device rumored to include an alternative charging method is the first-generation iWatch, which is expected to be unveiled sometime in 2014. Wireless charging is definitely useful in some scenarios, Nokia devices and the Qualcomm Toq smartwatch are already incorporating those features. They may still be off in the future, but solar and motion charging methods are interesting concepts and Apple seems to understand that both have the potential to improve devices.

Summary: Apple is rumored to be including wireless charging in the first-generation iWatch. According to a new report, the company is also looking into other charging methods for upcoming devices like motion and solar charging.

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