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New rumour suggests Apple will release the 12.9-inch iPad Maxi in 2014

ipad maxi

We’ve become accustom to hearing about the iPhone 5S or iPad 5 recently, but a new rumour has today surfaced that suggests Apple will release a 12.9-inch iPad towards the beginning of 2014 called the iPad Maxi.

ipad maxi

Industry sources close to the production line and familiar with Apple’s product roadmap say that a 12.9-inch display is in the works for a product called the iPad Maxi. Apple is reportedly already talking to potential supply manufacturers to create the humungous display which is set to be released early 2014.

Apple will actively target 13” ultrabooks and notebooks with the iPad Maxi, providing the device with better portability and battery life, and comparable screen real estate for productivity applications. Another target for the 12.9” tablet – is educational market and digital textbooks. The bigger screen is more suited to replace the traditional textbooks, and Apple with partners is also developing a new display technology with less glare, to be used in classrooms.

iPad Maxi just a big rumour?

A device of this size is the first of its kind we have heard about and it’s difficult to understand where this fits into Apple’s product portfolio, with a 12.9-inch display coming dangerously close to overlapping with the MacBook Air lineup – something Apple are keen to avoid. Apple have ensured that there are clear lines between their products which serve different purposes. The iPad was originally introduced as the device to plug the gap between the iPhone and MacBook, so overlapping that clear boundary is something Apple would predictably want to avoid.

As 2013 continues on, and more rumours surface about the iPhone 5S and iPad 5, it is inevitable that more rumours about the iPad Maxi will find their way to the surface and, if legit, will begin to gain traction.

What do you think? Is the iPad Maxi a real product? Do Apple have space for it in their lineup?