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Ask Siri To Beatbox For A Hilarious Reply

Siri, Apple’s mobile personal assistant, appears to be quite the budding musician.

Not only will he send your texts, wake you up and remind you to finally wash the dishes that have been piling up for weeks, but a simple request will make him beatbox you some tunes.

Earlier today, users on Twitter took to the site to express their utter elation over the recently discovered easter-egg.

After holding down the home button to bring up the cheeky AI, users can simply ask Siri to beatbox and listen to him unleash his own brand of musical insanity.

Lyrically, it’s all over the place, and sounds like the phone had a little too much tequila. If you’re interested, it goes a little something like this — “boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats.”

For the uninitiated, “boots and cats” is a basic phrase many beginners use when first learning to beatbox. The trick is to emphasize the consonants at either end of each word, to maximize the effect.

Other funny things to ask Siri include “make me a sandwich,” “when will the world end” or “tell me a story,” each of which will draw a rather amusing response.

This isn’t the first time Siri has shown an affinity for odd traits. In 2014, the voice assistant called out Scarlett Johansson over her performance in the movie “Her,” drawing a response from the actress in the process.

When you no longer want to ask Siri to beatbox, check out our top predictions for Apple in 2016, as well as these 18 massive iPhone 7 rumors — including a waterproof casing, wireless charging and a shiny OLED screen.

source: twitter