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ATracker PRO iPhone App Review: Great Time Tracker!

ATracker PRO iPhone App

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ATracker PRO is an iPhone app developed by WonderApps. Featuring a fully customizable user interface and simple, one-tap timing, ATracker PRO is a great tool for tracking how you spend your day.

While it might take you a few minutes to fully set up, ATracker is a supremely simple little app. Perfect for people who like to be able to see their day “at a glance,” you can set up your screen with common uses of your time, such as housework, work, gaming, social networking, and more.

These items can be fully customized to match any activity, be it a leisure pursuit or something related to your job. Once you have your activities set up, you just tap on one to start recording the amount of time you spend doing that task. It couldn’t be more simple!

Arguably the greatest thing about ATracker PRO is the app’s robust, comprehensive reporting options. The app keeps constant activity logs, and also offers users the option to view statistic reports in bar chart and pie chart form. You can share info from within the app via email, Facebook, or Twitter.

The customization is also really impressive. Color-coding, for example, is made easy. In addition, you can associate your activities with one of a hundred of icons. If you need visuals to get organized, this app has got you covered.

Boasting a minimalist interface and an sleek UI, ATracker PRO is a gorgeous app that suitable for students, professionals, and homemakers alike. With tons of customization options and a stable interface, ATracker PRO is well worth your attention…and your cash.

ATracker PRO is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.