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AT&T Says Killing Net Neutrality Will Magically Lower Prices

Net neutrality has already taken major hits over the years and that culminated in January when the FCC Open Internet rules were destroyed by Verizon. The basis for net neutrality the belief that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all traffic equally and not limit speeds because of where it is coming from.

AT&T Says Killing Net Neutrality Will Magically Lower PricesSince the January ruling, ISPs have stated that they will continue to protect internet rights and that getting rid of those rules is actually better for consumers. This idea–which does not appear to be based in fact–was once again promoted by AT&T which issued a statement to criticize Netflix for promoting net neutrality as well as to let people know that the cost of broadband will decrease if net neutrality is completely killed off. 

Allowing individualized dealings between ISPs and edge providers is sound policy for a number of reasons. By enabling smaller edge providers to negotiate special arrangements for the handling of their traffic, flexible net neutrality rules will empower start-ups to compete more effectively against more entrenched and well-heeled rivals. – AT&T

The scenario created by AT&T to make its statement appear legitimate is that by receiving money from services like Netflix that need a better connection, network upgrade costs can be offset and removed, at least partially, from consumers. Therefore, if internet-based companies have to run around making deals with ISPs, consumers will pay less.

And by enabling ISPs to recover the costs of network upgrades not just from consumers but also from the edge providers whose applications benefit from such upgrades, flexible rules also will promote deployment of additional broadband infrastructure and improved features. They also will reduce the cost of broadband service for consumers, facilitating greater adoption. – AT&T

Now, everything hinges on the FCC. After its defeat in January, the FCC has been trying to figure out what to do and if ISPs can convince the organization to come up with rules that do not promote net neutrality, apparently AT&T customers will have lower monthly bills.

Question – Is AT&T being honest about its intentions or is it just trying to convince the FCC to rule in its favor. 


Summary: AT&T has issued a statement saying that getting rid of net neutrality rules will actually help the industry. The ISP suggests that smaller businesses will benefit and that consumers will pay less without regulations.

image credit: talkandroid