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Belkin to Demo WeMo Baby Monitor at CES 2013

The Innovation Awards at CES 2013 will go to some of the best and brightest new technology that is coming to the public market. Belkin received this award for their new WeMo Baby Monitor and App. As a parent who is always looking for something that can make my life a little easier, I was thrilled that this product was released.

Any new parent will tell you: In the midst of bringing home a new baby and readjusting to life, the last thing that they need is yet another device to haul around the house. A baby monitor receiver is no different. A reliable product is obviously a must when dealing with little ones, but no parent wants to walk around with a cumbersome monitor receiver clipped to their belt (or likely pajamas) if Belkinthey don’t have to.

Enter Belkin. First and foremost, upon hearing the name Belkin, parents will know they are getting a quality, reliable product. Now the kicker: the Belkin WeMo Baby Monitor does not require a sound receiver! Parents simply download an app to their iPhone or iTouch and instantly have access to their baby via their mobile device. No more cumbersome receiver, because many parents carry their phone anyway.

Belkin also offers an upgrade to their WeMo Monitor. A purchasable upgrade within the app allows parents to receive a text or phone call if they do not respond to a crying child promptly, stopping any potential for accidentally closing the app and missing sound coming from the baby’s room. How’s that for reassurance?

Belkin will also be debuting other products such as a new and highly anticipated iOS controlled light switch.

As a parent, would you use the new Belkin WeMo Baby Monitor and App or does a traditional baby monitor seem more reliable to you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!