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Best Antivirus for your Android phone


The smartphone is the device that people reach out to do various tasks like e-banking, sharing important documents to almost everything which required a desktop/laptop even 2-3 years ago.

However, not many people care about the security of their Android phone. They buy a phone, set it up and start downloading apps & various files from the web. An Android phone is not exactly unsafe, by default the operating system doesn’t allow users to install applications outside the Play Store.

It doesn’t mean that all the apps on the Play Store are safe, there have been cases of infected apps entering the store. It’s no surprise because the catalog of the store is just humongous. Also, downloading files from the web can bring infections along with them.

So, it’s important to invest in an Antivirus application, especially if you do a lot of e-banking. There are different types of malware that can perform tasks like recording the screen, the keypad touches, and also the footage from both the front and the back cameras.

Antivirus services help keep your phone in check, free from infections, however, it doesn’t mean that antivirus can always give it’s 100%. New types of viruses are created every day, and sometimes it may take time for the antivirus corps to push new methods of cracking the infections.

Even if the antivirus can’t give it’s 100%, it can, however, give its 99% which is still a huge percentage and that is the reason why you should buy an antivirus for your Android phone.

Here are some of the best Android antivirus apps-

  1. McAfee

Not a new entrant in the market, if you’ve been a desktop/laptop user since the 90s then you probably did hear about McAfee. It creates one of the best tools to fight computer viruses. Most of the corporations rely on McAfee.

  1. Kaspersky

A Russian cybersecurity company which has a huge database of viruses and that makes it an elite member of the security group.

  1. Norton

An American company which creates security software. Also, an elite member of the security group. However, the charges are quite exorbitant.

All three companies provide some of the best antivirus applications; you won’t be disappointed with any of them.