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Blackberry Release May No Longer Be a Mystery Thanks to Best Buy Canada

We all know that RIM has plans to launch their new line of Blackberry smartphones at the end of this month. What we don’t know, is when the new Blackberries will be available for purchase. Infuriating, isn’t it? We know that all four major carriers (Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Moblie) have announced their plans to carry the new Blackberry devices some time in 2013, but even they haven’t told us when.  Although RIM will announce their official Blackberry release date at the launch on January 30th, the speculation continues.

Even though RIM has remained conspicuously silent on the release of their  Blackberry smartphones, Best Buy Canada may have outed their secret. According to an image that recently made it’s way to the web, the picture shows a screenshot of  Best Buy Canada’s internal inventory system. The alleged photo supposedly shows the “street date” that the new Blackberry smartphones will be available to the  (Canadian) public.

Having pinned the potential Blackberry release as February 28th for a Canada launch, BGR contacted RIM for a comment. RIM still declines to confirm the Blackberry release date and was quoted as saying, “We understand there is a lot of excitement for the Blackberry 10. We will launch the platform on January 30th and until then we will not comment on speculation.” Even so, the information provided by Best Buy Canada looks pretty promising, even if it is technically still speculation. It would not be surprising if this is, in fact, the correct Blackberry release date, even though RIM may not want to admit their misstep.

RIM has previously promised that it would announce all pertinent information regarding the Blackberry release date at the launch on January 30th such as price and availability.   Until then, which isn’t that long, the speculation and rumors will likely continue to swirl about unless RIM decides to comment due to the potential slip of information regarding the Blackberry release.