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Bose Banned from All Apple Stores

No highs, no mids, now lows and definitely no Bose. Last week's rumor that Bose products would be removed from all Apple Stores has indeed come true

No highs, no mids, no lows and definitely no Bose. Last week’s rumor that the Beats vs Bose battle for the $100-plus headphone was getting personal has come true. Yes, Bose products have been banned and removed from both online and brick n’ mortar Apple Stores.

When it comes to getting Apple rumors right, Re/Code is definitely on roll. Last week, Tapscape reported rumors that Bose products would be removed from the online Apple Stores and the company’s real world retail outlets, as well.

That has now happened — Bose products are gone from Apple Stores everywhere (continued below).

Bose: Jimmy Iovine’s Take

What happened there, you have a tech company that’s culturally inept. There’s no one at the company that said, ‘If you ban these guys, you’re going to look bad to the young people, and they’re going to look like superheroes even though they’re just pure capitalists — well they’re not pure capitalists, but they’re real capitalists and [they] sold that company to Apple — but you’re going to make them look like the underdog — Apple executive Iovine in BusinessInsider.

For what it’s worth, Apple Stores will continue to sell headphones from Sennheiser, Urbanears, JayBird and others.

That said, while reasonable people continue to debate why Bose products have been removed from Apple Stores, there is no question that Bose has been hurt by the move. Apple Stores deliver the highest revenue per square foot of any retail operation on the planet and, now, Bose won’t get another penny…

What’s your take?

No highs, no mids, now lows and definitely no Bose. Last week's rumor that Bose products would be removed from all Apple Stores has indeed come true

No highs, no mids, now lows and definitely no Bose. Last week's rumor that Bose products would be removed from all Apple Stores has indeed come true

Via: Engadget