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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Gets Undead Action!

No, get your mind out of the gutter. Black Ops 2 isn’t getting that kind of action. But it is getting the kind that involves lots of guns, explosions and zombie hordes after your guts. Feeling a little manlier yet?

Activision has unleashed a short teaser confirming that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will indeed feature zombies. The 40-second teaser allows us to confirm several things actually, like there will be a decrepit old bus in an equally crappy town, some flames and awful maniacal laughter straight out of something that probably looks like Pennywise The Clown. it just makes me shudder thinking about. Thanks for the nightmares, Treyarch.

Call of Duty 2 Black Ops Zombies Nuketown

If you want to check out the video for yourself, click here. It will take you to the Call of Duty YouTube page.

But let’s speculate about this for a bit. I wonder how they’re going to make the undead element a little different from what they featured in the first Black Ops game. According to reports, there is a map called Nuketown 2025 and there are rumors that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 may feature a full blown zombie campaign. I mean, how cool is that?

I’m sure that the 40-second teaser did very little to whet your appetite on all thing Black Ops 2. The good news is that we’ll find out a little more because on September 26th, we’ll be getting a full featured trailer! Be sure to come back here on Tapscape for that!

Call of Duty 2 Black Ops Zombies 1

Are you a fan of zombies? What new thing would you like to see in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2’s zombie campaign? Share your thoughts about the undead in the comments below!


[via Official Xbox Magazine]