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Call of Duty Elite app gets upgraded for Black Ops 2

In support of of this week’s undeniably biggest debut, the Call of Duty Elite app has been updated on both iOS and Android, allowing Black Ops 2 to maximize their experience on Treyarch and Activision’s latest FPS masterpiece.

Call of Duty Elite Black Ops II

Once a paid service, Call of Duty Elite, has since gone free and offers Black Ops 2 players free stats updates, allow you to edit your class remotely and view your recent matches among other things. Here’s a rundown of its features from the Google Play Store description of the app:

  • Career Summary gives you deep statistics on your play, to analyze your progress over time to see which areas you need to improve in and which areas you excel in.
  • Visit your Clan HQ for a detailed breakdown of your Clan’s stats, Recent Winnings, and more. Clan leaders can even edit the Message of the Day directly from the app.
  • Review Recent Matches to track your performance on a match-by-match basis.
  • View and edit your Custom Classes on the go. Push your changes into the game so you’re ready to play the moment you load up multiplayer.
  • Watch Call of Duty® Elite TV on the go or in between games. Get developer tips, strategy programming, custom class overviews, Live Streamed matches, and more.
  • Track your Challenge progress to help you work toward the highest XP gains.
 The Black Ops 2 update for the Call of Duty Elite app is already available for download on the iTunes and Google Play store. The iOS version of the app is universal and compatible with devices running iOS 5.0 or higher but, unfortunately, does not offer iPhone 5 screen support.

Were you able to drop your controller for just a few minutes to download the Call of Duty Elite app updated for Black Ops 2? Are the improvements quickly noticeable? Share your thoughts with your fellow Tapscape gamers in the comments below!