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Christmas Carols Piano iPad App: Learn to Play Holiday Classics

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Christmas Carols Piano is an iPad app developed by playground. This clever iPad app lets you play along with popular Christmas carols. Even if you don’t know how to play the piano, this app makes it easy to follow along.

You can use the piano interface just as it is, and play any song you like. You can also select from one of over a dozen seasonal classics. The correct keys will light up to show you the right notes, and you just need to tap the keys as they change color. It’s super easy!

Christmas Carols Piano iPad App Christmas Carols Piano iPad App

There’s a pretty decent array of songs to enjoy here. They include Amazing Grace, Auld Lang Syne, Deck the Halls, Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells, and Silent Night.

There are also some non-seasonal songs, including children’s favorites like La Cucaracha, Bingo, Alouette, and Clementine.

Some songs are quite short (just the chorus), so bear that in mind before purchasing. There is a “reset” button on screen that will reset the on-screen key cues, allowing you to keep replaying musical phrases even if you don’t know the song. This works particularly well for a song like Clementine.

While this app is definitely kid-friendly, music-minded parents will note that the app doesn’t educate  players about proper hand positions or tempo. This is definitely an app that’s more for entertainment than education, but that’s not a bad thing.

Christmas Carols Piano iPad App Christmas Carols Piano iPad App

Some users might wish that Christmas Carols Piano would have a metronome to play along with, the better to mimic the right tempo of the song. I personally liked this app just as it is. The fact that you aren’t playing along with a click makes the whole experience less stressful. It also challenges you!

If you love Christmas music and family bonding (but don’t know how to play an instrument), Christmas Carols Piano is a must-have this holiday season.

Holiday spending left your wallet feeling a little light? Opt for the free version of the app instead!

Christmas Carols Piano requires iOS 5.1 or later. Compatible with iPad.