When you use cloud hosting, your website is stored on multiple servers, so you no longer have to worry about constant drops in traffic. Do you know what cloud hosting is? Does “cloud hosting” sound more familiar to you? Yes, it is exactly as you think, it is a type of web hosting, in the style of hosting, but this time it owes its name to cloud computing technology —or cloud computing— so you can access the Internet.
For you to understand it better, cloud hosting ensures that your website does not have to depend on a physical server, but on a set of nodes or virtual servers, generally distributed in data centers. The best thing is that you only have to pay for what you use, that they are easily scalable, and that you do not need to spend anything on hardware!
Essential facts
Cloud hosting refers to virtual servers based on cloud computing technology or cloud computing. With this technological innovation, your website no longer depends on a physical server. Among the advantages of cloud hosting are scalability, flexibility or payment for use. What’s more, you can even pay for just one hour, always depending on your needs.
There are various types of cloud services that come together to offer customers an efficient and personalized service. Are they better than traditional hosting? Is dedicated hosting better on some occasions?
When you use managed cloud hosting, your website is stored on multiple servers, so you no longer have to worry about constant drops in traffic. If it fails, there’s always another virtual server, so it’s ideal if you need flexibility. There are many providers, but some are better.
What you should know about Cloud Hosting
What do we mean when we talk about hosting in the cloud or cloud hosting? The important thing is that you know that it is ideal for you if what you need is above all flexibility. In other words, it’s like a cell phone data plan, you pay for what you use, so it’s perfect for a specific marketing campaign, for example. You want to know more? Well, take note.
What exactly do we call cloud hosting and what are its advantages?
Until recently, it was usual to host your server in a data center or data center. That is, on a physical server that can be shared —with other websites— or dedicated so that you have your own space. In cloud hosting, the data is stored on different servers and they are all connected. If you choose this option, you rent a virtual space.
The advantages of this new system are innumerable, as you can see for yourself in the following list:
– Cloud servers are redundant. And this means? It means that if one fails there are other servers connected that will resume work.
– It’s economic. And this happens because you rent a virtual space that you pay for use. You do not need to subscribe to a specific plan, if you require high resources you can have them without problem. That is, you pay according to your needs.
– Security. Your data is stored on various servers and locations. Furthermore, cloud hosting provides a security structure with different layers, including data, network, or physical security. Service providers, on the other hand, add backup recovery, firewalls, and encryption solutions, among others.
– Scalability. In traditional hosting you can’t quickly increase resources even if you need them. On the other hand, in cloud hosting, the allocation of resources according to needs is very simple, it is much more flexible. Therefore, you will be able to reduce or expand resources such as bandwidth or RAM memory, among others, extracting them from the resources enabled in the server cluster.
– Reduction of the carbon footprint. If you are a lover of ecology, you are in luck, hosting in the cloud reduces the carbon footprint of a company because it is no longer necessary to maintain internal servers. In this way, organizations save energy and favor the environment.
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