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Coporate Social Services

Coporate Social Services

In line with our commitment to corporate governance and social impact. The company recognizees and supports outstanding investors and communities that guarantee our safe operations.

A key factor of our business engagement is our service to the society. We would not have climbed this far without the people who do business with us on a daily basis.

Investors are drivers of our success, as well as the environment we operate. These two key factors ensure that profits are generated everyday by the company. Neina is aware of their relevance.

Neina grants help us to ensure excellence for our stakeholders and create a sustainable and conducive future for our investors, communities and people.

SMEs are what fires the global economy and it is our responsibility to help them succeed and to give them our full backing.

In 2013 we took the first step with $2 million, helping 20 startups build their businesses. This year’s $300 million in new loans are testament to our growth and continued commitment to our words.

We believe by doing so, we will be creating more Neinas, which will go a long way to addressing the supply gap in the global food security concerns.

Recently Neina GmbH has sealed a 10-year partnership contract with European Investment Fund (EIF), to implement three synthetic credit portfolio securitisation operations that will enable European Investment Bank (EIB) to provide $2 billion in grant to (SMEs) in South America, Asia and Middle East.

This collaboration is one of the biggest in recent times and it’s under the supervision of the European Guarantee Fund (EGF).