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Cydia will be ‘primed’ for iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak


With only days left until the release of the iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak, everyone is preparing their iPhone and iPad by restoring it to iOS 6.1 But if you’ve ever used a jailbreak on release day, you’ll know there is usually one big problem. Cydia, together with every other repository hosted on Cydia takes a huge hit with everyone downloading their favourite tweaks and themes on their newly Jailbroken device. In some cases, the traffic surge has even been known to take Cydia offline completely.

ios 6.1 untethered jailbreak

Because of this, a lot of people have a negative experience and associate this with the whole Jailbreak in general, when in reality it’s just everyone is doing the same thing at the same time. Ideally, you should wait at least 2 days before being able to reliably use Cydia.

However, it looks like this will be less of a problem with the iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak this time round as Saurik claims on Reddit that Cydia will come pre-primed with all the major online repositories which means it will not have to do a full fetch cycle at launch, and consequently reduce the load of Cydia’s servers.

Here’s the full details from Saurik himself:

This will not be as serious of an issue this time around; in addition to how everyjailbreak this problem is less problematic, planetbeing said he would finally deploy my “pre-primed Cydia” proposal, so when you open Cydia immediately after the jailbreak it will already have a package catalog from all of the defaultrepositories, and will not need to do a full refresh cycle (which is what really pummels the repositories during new jailbreaks): it will only need to grab the diffs. (That’s the one thing I thought random people seeing this conversation may actually want to know; beetling and 0ptimo otherwise correctly covered this suggestion itself.)

So come Sunday 3rd February, your iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak will be accompanied by a super-quick Cydia! Perfect.