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Demand for Galaxy S III Causes Supply Shortages

Expected for release this month, the high demand for the Galaxy S III is already causing supply shortages according to Samsung. The company is currently working with carriers to fill all the pre-orders. The want for a simultaneous launch across all four major carriers, combined with early demand may delay in-store availability.

When the iPhone 4S launched in October of last year, over one million units were ordered in the first 24 hours. Whether the new Galaxy S III will beat that number remains to be seen.

Early reviews are in, and they are highly critical, citing things such as cheap plastic build, dim screen, and unimaginative design, looking like a mashup of the Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy S II.

Positive feedback has been given regarding battery life, ease of use, and of course the speed and interface that comes with Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0. While the hype for the phone may still be up, and it’s future users optimistic, its true competition will come with the launch of the iPhone 5. Until then, Samsung can only hold its breath.