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Digital Hanging Scale: An Overview of Industrial Applications

Digital Hanging Scale: An Overview of Industrial Applications

Digital hanging scales help to evaluate the weight of any load during lifting. These hanging scales are known as crane scales and measure the suspended load from a crane or multiple cranes. As an essential element of load measuring systems, hanging scales have several applications in various industries. Modern digital hanging scales can collect information during the lifting of a load and protect personnel and other infrastructure from overloads. Whether it’s about force or tension measurement, the measuring systems are crucial. The main function of the digital hanging scales in the load measuring systems is the translation of analog signals into digital measurements. This article will focus on discussing the industrial applications of load measuring systems that consist of digital hanging scales.

Application Areas of Measuring Systems That Includes Digital Hanging Scales

Modern load measuring systems that consist of digital hanging scales have effective applications in various industries. The most common applications of digital hanging scales are-

A. Overload Prevention:

Hypothetically, when you lift a load through cranes, a risk of overload is always there. Therefore, in order to stay away from the damage due to overloads, accurate measurement of the loads is essential. When a measuring system consists of a digital hanging scale, it can accurately measure the loads. On the other hand, to ensure the safety of the personnel and infrastructure, constant monitoring of loads is essential through the hanging scale.

B. Crane Safety and Periodical Hoist Testing:

In everyday operations, periodical safety testing is important for the verification of safety and management of loads. The measuring systems that have digital hanging scales are useful for periodical safety testing. Cranes, hoists, or other supporting structures help to conduct the safety tests. Two major measuring systems that are commonly used for safety tests are crane scales and dynamometers.

C. Pull and Drag Force Measurement:

For the verification of static pull, Bollard pull trials are crucial. In order to control and measure the drag forces, dynamometers are effectively used in rescue vehicles.

D. Cable Tension Monitoring:

In order to stay away from reaching the optimal cable tension and reduce the damage of the cables from temperature change, precise cable tensioning is important for electrical wires and communication lines tension. On the other hand, a wire pull test is required to guarantee the safety of the suspension bridge where the guy wire ropes and steel cables support the structure.

E. High-Temperature Industries and Foundries:

During the casting and forging activities, load measuring systems are essential to sustain the maximum temperature. The measuring systems also help the foundries in controlling the accretion of small additives and preventing waste.

F. General Weighing During Shipment and Manufacture:

During the shipment and manufacturing process, weight measurement is important. This weight measurement not only helps to collect information about the materials but also assists to avoid overloads.