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DU Battery Saver and Widgets Android App Review

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DU Battery Saver and Widgets for Android, developed by DU APPS STUDIO, is free battery saving app that over 40,000,000 have chosen and that claims to see up to a 50% saving in battery life.

Packed with features, the first thing you’ll notice about DU Battery Saver and Widgets is the fantastic looking interface which shows you instantly how much battery you have left with a nice big graphic.

Supporting over 17 languages, DU Battery Saver and Widgets enables the user to optimise their battery to maximise their battery life by providing a variety of pre-set battery power management modes. There is also the ability to create and set your own performance and energy-saving modes to boost battery life at the touch of a button.

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DU Battery Saver and Widgets also features a monitor for applications which will show you the top offenders for consuming your battery life, and also allow you to stop them.

The App will also manage your charge for you, taking over the charging cycle to maximise your battery life by introducing a trickle charge.

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There is also a PRO mode that can be unlocked which will introduce the following features:

– INTELLIGENT MODE-SWITCHING: Automatically switch smart battery saving modes based on your preferences
– Battery Level — Switch to any preset mode when the battery power reaches a specific level;
– Time Schedule — Switch to any smart battery saver mode based on time of day;
– AUTO-CLEAR APPS: Automatically shuts down battery power-draining apps that run in the background;
– Set an Auto-Clear schedule at any interval you choose;
– Protect important apps from auto-clear by adding them to the Ignore List.
– Clears unnecessary background power consumption apps on screen lock
– CPU FREQUENCY (Root devices): Save even more power by reducing the speed of your Android phone’s processor when the screen locks.

DU Battery Saver and Widgets app introduces much needed battery management and executes it in an extremely easy way. The user interface is incredibly easy to use and definitely optimised my battery life on my device.

DU Battery Saver and Widgets is available for free on the Google Play Store.