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Electronic Arts Acquires Flight Control Developer

Electronic Arts is in the process of buying out Firemint, the Australian-based mobile development studio known for games ranging from ‘Flight Control’ to the famed ‘Real Racing’.

The game company is calling the acquisition one that brings a “powerhouse of creative talent” to EA Interactive. While exact terms of the deal are not being disclosed, Electronic Arts is content with the deal, to say the least.

The Firemint team is remarkable for its critical and commercial success. Have them as part of EA will accelerate our position as worldwide leader in game development for mobile devices and online gaming.

The acquisition is relatively small but looks to add additional talent to EA’s substantial development efforts. The publishing giant, which was quick to develop original games for the iPhone, is often considered a leader in the gaming industry. Electronic Arts is known for famed franchises including ‘The Sims’, ‘Battlefield’, and a multitude of racing franchises including ‘Need for Speed’.

Firemint, a small independent studio, quickly became known following the 2010 releases of ‘Flight Control’ and ‘Real Racing’.