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Empowering Creativity in an overcrowded digital landscape with Creative Management Platform

Empowering Creativity in an overcrowded digital landscape with Creative Management Platform

Creativity is often defined as the ability to transcend traditional ideas and apply innovation to create meaningful new ideas.

The recent growth of digital advertising with its landscape for programmatic bidding, targeting and delivery demand that the one-ad-fits-all approach no longer works. 

Per an AppNexus/Thunder study, 97% percent of ad campaigns lack a unique creative for each targeted placement. These campaigns typically reuse a few ad creatives by repurposing them for different sizes.

This is not only wasteful but also a complete loss of opportunity. After all digital gives you the data and ability to deliver ads for a user’s specific type and needs.

This is where a creative management platform (CMP)can help you be innovative and creative digitally.

But what’s a CMP? It is a cloud-based software that enables in-house teams to create, distribute and analyses the performance of digital advertising and display. Simply put, a wide range of advertising technologies all combined into one easy to use platform.

How does CMP empower creativity?

The one-ad-fits-all approach can potentially put off your customers. Using CMP you can leverage different data signals such as audience, location, weather, location, language and many others to tailor your ad campaign intelligently. This helps in enhancing the campaign’s relevance and stickiness.

Overcome banner blindness

Banner blindness is a big, digital advertising challenge. It is when people don’t notice your banner ads because there are now too many of them. CMP tackles this challenge creatively by revolutionizing traditional banner behavior.

CMP makes the banner creative work smarter by using features like animation, photosphere, 360 degree, gallery and many others to defeat banner blindness and grab your customers’ attention.

Scaling up efficiently

CMP empowers you to scale up efficiently and execute multilevel digital campaigns without compromising your marketing budget.

CMP’s responsive framework enables you to build multiple sizes and executions across a dizzying number of devices/screens within minutes, at a fraction of the cost.

From brief to build in minutes

CMP’s intuitive workflow helps you organize brand assets, campaigns and creatives for higher visibility and collaboration. Use a single dashboard to assign users/teams, build, approve and release your campaigns. You can fast-track from brief to build, without losing valuable time.

Creating high impact displays

Why restrict your creativity to banners when CMPs allow creation of high impact displays with a larger creative real estate, attention-grabbing visuals and proven view ability.

The creative possibilities of High Impact Programmatic Formats are endless and packed with powerful features such that your campaigns stand out.

Case Study: How online casinos can use programmatic advertising to attract the right target audience

In many countries, TV ads for online casinos and gaming brands are either banned or have restrictions based on time-slots. An online casino can therefore use programmatic display ads and video advertising to reach the right in-market audiences. Since 90% of profit in the gaming industry comes only from 5% of the customers, the goal is to maximize the customer’s value and share of wallet.

Behavioural prospecting

CMP empowers you to be truly creative to deliver what the user is specifically searching or looking for.

This is known as behavioural prospecting and these campaigns are led by pre-analysed data to identify specific customers to focus on. You can create hundreds of banner variants using this data and give the user what they want – be it live football stats to fans or stock prices to investors.

To sum it up, the potential of a Creative Management Platform’s ability to personalize, innovate, and spark interest in a digitally fatigued audience is limitless. You can create, distribute and analyses the performance of an engaging creative at scale.