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EventiCal iPhone App Review: The Fastest Way to Get Unbored

eventical iphone app

Price: FREE     Score: 9/10     Category: Lifestyle

EventiCal is an iPhone app developed by Park LLC. If you’re bored and looking for something to do, EventiCal presents a huge array of events in your geographic area that you might want to check out.

EventiCal pulls their listing of events from Facebook, and you’ll need to log in with your Facebook account to access the info that’s stored in the app. Once you sign in, get ready for a gorgeous interface that puts Facebook’s native list of events to shame.

As you browse events (sorted by what is close to you), you can see detailed descriptions about the event, as well as a list of which of your friends plans to attend. Comments are also enabled, so you can ask for additional info about upcoming events and make plans to meet with people at the event.

In addition to letting users search through lists of events, the Eventical iPhone app also lets users create new events and invite friends. Then, users can share info about their new event on both Facebook and Twitter.

EventiCal’s ultimate goal is to provide users with the kind of insider information on upcoming events that people can’t get from their local newspaper, city guide, or other media. And by drawing from so many different Facebook user accounts, it really succeeds in providing users with a huge array of events, both newsworthy and not.

If you are tired of being bored on the weekends or need something interesting to do on a ho-hum weekday evening, EventiCal is a great tool to have on your phone. Stop being bored, and find something cool to do: with EventiCal, you don’t have to sift through Facebook’s terrible events timeline.

EventiCal for iPadEventiCal for iPad

Eventical is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.