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Everything You Should Know About Social Recruiting

Everything You Should Know About Social Recruiting 01

Social recruiting has been gaining popularity over the past two decades. According to Talent Lyft, it involves using social media networks and websites to find, attract, and hire talents. Many brands are gravitating toward it, and the reasons are not far-fetched.

Why do brands leverage social recruiting?

Here are the top reasons brands use social recruiting.   

·      Better reach

Millions of active and passive job seekers are spending more time on social media platforms and maximizing them to find better opportunities. These individuals often come from different cultures, races, and ethnicity.

A brand that wants to reach a wider audience will likely leverage this tool. More so, their followers and employees may share their job ads with people in their network.

·      High-quality candidates

Every brand wants to hire the best hands they can find. It’s not surprising that they use social media to get better results in their online hiring efforts. Social recruiting offers brands access to a large pool of quality candidates.

They stand a better chance of finding high-quality candidates to fill different positions. This can go a long way to boost their employee retention rate.

·      Cost-effective

Business owners are always looking for creative ways to save and make money. Social recruiting helps to reduce time-to-hire and cost-per-hire significantly. Brands with a solid social media recruiting strategy won’t hesitate to invest their resources into scaling their business.

Social recruiting won’t replace conventional hiring methods such as social media job boards and recruiting agencies but will rather complement.

What do recruiters look for when checking your social media profiles?

Now that we’ve discussed why brands take advantage of social recruiting, let’s address how you can be more visible and attractive to social media recruiters.

1. An accurate and complete profile

A lot of recruiters use LinkedIn, while others rely on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Tik Tok. You have no excuse for not having an active online presence in this digital age. Nevertheless, it’s not too late to set up your accounts on any platform.

Recruiters will visit your social media profiles to confirm whether the information there matches what’s on your CV. Given that, update sections like work experience, skills, qualifications, and bio with the correct information. A decent headshot will help you stand out among other applicants online.

2. A vibrant online presence and clean content

Your dream companies are already online. Identify the platforms they are most active on and follow them. Ensure you engage with their content regularly too. It’s possible to learn about their values, culture, and new openings as you take this step. 

The type of content you put out there matters as you build your personal brand. Engage your audience with great stories. It’s ideal to share content on topics that revolves around your industry and social issues. More so, add insightful comments whenever you come across relevant posts. 

Sharing content that is ridden with grammatical and spelling errors is a turn-off. One way to keep them in check is to use AI tools. Avoid profanity, discriminatory comments, and provocative content because they will ruin your personal brand.