Facebook Home has finally reached the 1 million download mark
Even though it is still stagnate at a two star rating on Google Play, Facebook Home has hit 1 million downloads marking its biggest accomplishment thus far. Just a few days ago, Facebook’s director of mobile engineering told reporters that Home was “just about” at 1 million downloads, and as of Sunday morning, Google Play now has Facebook Home in the 1-5 million downloads range.
After the initial rush of downloads which reached 500,000 in the 10 days after Home’s launch, it has taken twice as long for the service to attain the other 500,000. This suggests that after early reviews showed that Home was not as amazing as many had hoped, the download rate decreased. With over 16,000 reviews on Google Play, the app is still at just a two star rating showing that Facebook Home has been having quite a hard time making people happy.
App Annie’s data regarding Facebook Home has the service below the Top 100 Android apps in every country that it is available in. Plus, Home suffered a major decline in the US after peaking in the Top 50 and since falling out of the Top 300.
While 1 million downloads in “impressive” you would expect far more from a service like Facebook which boasts 750 million active mobile users and more than 1 billion users in total. Not to mention the fact that many of those 1 million users than downloaded Facebook Home are probably no longer using the service.
Even though the 1 million download mark is technically an accomplishment, it suggests a very gloom future for Facebook Home especially when coupled with a major price cut in the first phone to feature Facebook Home, the HTC First. AT&T has reduced the price of the phone from $99 to $0.99 with a two year contract. Such rapid price cuts are normally a tell-tale sign that sales have failed to meet expectations.