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Finding the Best Internet Connection for Tech Gurus and Gamers

Finding the Best Internet Connection for Tech Gurus and Gamers

Whether you’re a gamer, an e-sports professional, or someone who insists on always being plugged in, travelling can be a great experience yet also a stressful one when it comes to your passions. And while you might have one of the best connections at home available, oftentimes as you travel you’ll be at the mercy of airport networks, hotel connections and networks (at a premium, of course), and whatever else you can find as you hop from place to place.

But not everything is out of your control. There are things you can do to make the most of opportunities that do come along, and in some cases make your own opportunities. Here are our five key tips:

1) Do Some Research Beforehand

As with most things involving travel, you are going to want to look up as much as possible or call ahead to gain information so you can pack and plan accordingly. This remains perfectly true regarding the internet, and you will want to use whatever resources and websites you can to determine the best course of action regarding finding an internet connection. There may be articles you can use about the internet or your area, or previous reviews or forums you can use. Creative searching can get you a long way and asking direct questions will handle the rest.

If you’re perhaps staying at a friend or family member’s home, they probably won’t mind if you ask what service they have so you can prepare, especially if you might need to work from the connection. You may also want to look up options in the area if you’re heading into a more residential area. It might not give you the full picture, but the networks don’t necessarily change if it’s a business or home using the connection, just the service plan.

2) If You’re Going to a Conference, You Won’t Be Alone in Your Concerns

Many gamers and tech gurus will be travelling to conferences to meet like-minded or compete at the top level of their game of choice, and outside of LAN setups, a solid connection is an essential tool. And while at the conference centers themselves you probably won’t have to worry too much about internet (it’s not much of an event if every attendee would be disappointed by the connection), you may run into issues if you want to practice or have a setup at where you’re staying or outside of the venue.

If the event is in the same place every year and you’re a first timer, don’t be afraid to ask around about the internet options and what might help your connection (if there’s any reason to be concerned at all). Others have probably had the same concerns as you have, and they might have found the answers and would be happy to share their wisdom. There’s little harm that can be done by asking, and you might learn things few other travelers will.

3) Don’t Be Afraid to Pack an Ethernet Cable

The best connection is usually a wired connection, and while this can’t be guaranteed, depending on where you’re staying or travelling to you might be able to utilize that cheap and lightweight wire to work a fast connection that will meet any techie or gamer’s needs. Just pick a length and find a small pocket in your travel bag. You’ll forget about it when you don’t need it and be proud of your past self when you bring it out.

You’ll still want to use best cybersecurity practices even if you’re plugged in, of course, and similarly watch your connection and what exactly you’re plugging into. Some things, especially sensitive ones, are best done over your phone’s data plan. Also, if there are only a few outlets, try not to be rude and share as best you can in a busy space.

4) A Good Wireless Receiver Is Worth Every Penny

And while we’re sure you’re aware already, we’d like to remind you here that the receivers of today don’t require your gaming laptop to have a three-foot (or even one foot) antenna sticking out of it. In fact, you don’t have to sacrifice much, if anything at all (except for a precious USB slot) to have a device that can provide a much better connection than the default receiver in your machine. You might want to make an investment to get the top speeds, but it’s also something you can use once you’re done travelling to make the most of your home and local hotspots.

You might not always get the speeds listed on the box because of other people on the network or things blocking or partially blocking the signal, but in this case, the investment is all about potential.

5) Consider Backup Options

While some of the options listed can be expensive, in some cases reliable internet is too important to leave to chance or circumstances beyond your control. If you’re travelling to a major metropolitan area, you’ll very likely to be able to find a connection (if perhaps a questionable or suspicious one) anywhere you go. With smaller cities, you might not be so lucky.

If you absolutely must have good internet service while you travel, consider something like a satellite internet connection and a dedicated service. It can be pricey, but it’s the ultimate backup option.

Additionally, there is more than one way to consider backup options. Things get lost and break on journeys, especially things such as tiny USB wireless receivers or very short ethernet cables. If you’re in it for the long haul or don’t know where you might get replacements, having an extra in a separate emergency pouch won’t burden you heavily, and you just need something that works in a pinch, not a top-of-the-line item.


Finding good internet can be somewhat difficult when you travel, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely out of options or hope. Try out the above tips and you can turn a hassle into something easily managed and then enjoy your tech-filled travels as much as humanly possible.