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Five Marketing Strategies for Game Developers

Five Marketing Strategies for Game Developers

A game developer is a person that specializes in programming and developing all the creative facets of a game. A game developer must have good knowledge of coding in addition to problem-solving skills and creative thinking.

Game developers develop a variety of games like casino games, mobile games, video games, and so on. All these games have continued to grow immensely as they enjoy patronage from all and sundry.

Mobile phones, computers, and tablets are now easily accessible, so people can play games on the go. This makes the gaming market luxurious, and many game developers often develop new games to capture the teeming community of game lovers.

It is one thing to develop great games; and it is another thing to market the games so that to can get to the target audience. This is where marketing comes in.

Game developers must know how to market well or they can get the help of a digital marketing agency  to help sell out their games so that they can beat the competition and make a profit.

However, it is something you can easily do yourself. As a game developer, there are certain strategies and techniques you should follow when marketing games.

We will discuss them briefly below.

Five Marketing Strategies for Game Developers

YouTube Marketing

By now, every game developer should have a YouTube channel because the platform is the second biggest search engine, only topped by Google. This makes YouTube an open field of opportunities where developers can promote their games and even engage with gaming reviewers and potential players.

Fortunately, YouTube is quite easy to use. Just sign up (if you do not have an account before or simply log in (if you have an account already). Then create a promo video which you will use as a teaser.

Ensure that you include the most exciting and thrilling part of your game in the video. Also include a great soundtrack, graphics, and any other essential information that will attract a potential player.

You can now proceed to add the video link to your bio, social media channels, and app stores. Besides, you can add tricks and tips or help videos while you engage with other gaming platforms to register your name in the gaming world.

Similarly, you can also advertise with YouTube, such that your teaser will pop up on people’s page as a video ad a few seconds before their requested video is played.

Instagram and Facebook Marketing

This marketing strategy is like YouTube because it is targeted at people who surf online. Social media has particularly enjoyed a massive influx of users over the years. This makes it a perfect market for games.

Most of your target audience is active on Facebook and Instagram so you should also have an active account on both platforms. You will then get people to follow you as you feed them with posts, updates, tricks, and tips, etc.

When you have a solid follower base, it will be easy to advertise your new game. Whether you’re building the next best browser game or working on a mobile app, promote and build your audience ahead of time, before the game is released. You will be surprised at the rush when the game is released.


The world is now global, so basically, everything now revolves around the internet. Thus, a game developer needs to have a website. A website serves as a home for your game.

Most people will only reckon with your game when they know that it has a website. A website makes your game look formal and acceptable. Most games are usually only on the Play store, so building a website for your game will also make it stand out.

Digital Marketing Agency

Game developers can get help from a digital marketing agency to help them sell out their games to people and convince them to download them. Digital marketing agencies have their way of reaching out to people online.

Many of the best games today gained popularity with the help of digital marketing agencies. Committing your marketing into their hands will assure you of a massive turnout for your games.

Fully Utilize Your Game’s Review

Many game lovers often love to learn about trending and new games before they download them. They do this by visiting sites that review games. So, as a game developer, you should submit your game to these sites for review.

No matter the reviews you get, your game is sure to enjoy the spotlight because all the mobile gamers that visit the review site will see your game there.

Similarly, posting reviews of your game on the Play Store will boost its visibility and rankings, which implies that there will higher traffic.


Adequate knowledge and application of these marketing strategies will not only make a game developer and his game stand out but also assures him of good returns on his investment.

A game developer can develop a great game but all the efforts, time, and money can go to waste if a good marketing strategy is not employed.