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FoTask iPhone App Review: Your Misson is Sharing Photos

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FoTask is an iPhone app developed by Vadim Shapovalov. This social networking app revolves around photo sharing, but with a couple of unique twists.

What makes FoTask different from other photo sharing apps out there is its focus on “missions.” In a similar vein to apps like Wander that also focus on missions for its users, FoTask presents users with tasks to complete.

These tasks might include sharing your best vacation photo, or sharing a picture of you and your favorite pet. Missions are created and shared by people from all over the globe.

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For completing these missions, users are handsomely rewarded with coins. These coins enable you to launch missions of your own to photo fans located anywhere on the planet. The more creative the challenge, the more users will talk about it.

One interesting aspect of this app is “Competition Mode,” where marketing campaigns can take place. For regular users, this is a fun way to respond to challenges and possibly win various prizes from corporate sponsors. For business owners and other companies, competition mode offers a unique way to reach out to consumers and engage them.

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It would be nice if there were some additional options for logging in. To be fair, registering a new account is pretty pain-free. You only need to fill out five fields, after all. That being said, having integrated Facebook login, or being able to link your FoTask account to an existing social networking account or similar account would be a nice touch.

If you love social networking through images, FoTask takes photography and turns it into a fun game. Combine that with the chance to win some sweet swag, and this is quite the intriguing new app.

FoTask is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.