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Gaming: A Way to Solve Real-World Problems

Gaming: A Way to Solve Real-World Problems

Whether you play games on weekends, play for a few hours with your friends or you are diehard player, you know you can easily get addicted to video games. Your parents may complain and may get worried regarding the hours you waste in front of the electronic fantasy world, but, probably they do not know that video games are highly beneficial.

Games can help your brain in making quick decisions, improve your vision, motor skills, dyslexia symptoms, reduce anxiety and stress, and even reduce drug and food cravings. Games can also help you at a personal level. Game researchers and game developers can see that gamers can tackle larger problems compared to the ones who do not play games.

Research Data

According to research studies, games help kids in learning more and at a quick pace. There is no particular way to play video games. People love playing video games on their tablets, smartphones, laptops, and also on various websites. Video games are made for people that belong to various interest groups. You can find problem-solving, fighting, adventurous, hunting, cooking, and other kinds of video games. In spite of a huge number of games that are already there in the world, new games keep on arriving in the market frequently. You can now play poker online by logging into

Brain Power

Whenever your child plays video games, he may seem to be far away from this real world and highly absorbed in a virtual world. Many parents worry about their children when they see them dedicated to video games. But, according to different research studies, video games can enhance their brain activity and therefore, they can analyze situations at a great speed and also make the right decisions.

Moreover, the games that are played in group forms teach kids about collaboration and help in achieving a great mood. When your kid is involved in games, he thinks he is actually in the game and anything that is good or bad in a game makes your child move, and these movements end in improving his motor skills.

Reduced stress

With stressful routines that people face daily, they need a break and one of the ways to kill this stress is by playing video games. Playing games is a good way through which people can reduce stress from their shoulders. A study revealed that people who are stressed play more compared to the players who are not stressed. The same study also revealed that there was a significant reduction in frustration and stress level in people after they played video games.

Further analysis also revealed that people not just felt relieved but saw an escalation in mood from angry to happy after playing the games. This change happens within a few minutes of post play.


The complexity of games has already sharpened the gamers’ mind. All that you need to do is to give them real-world problems in video games and they shall solve these problems within a few days.