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Get Happy iPhone App Review: Increase Your Happiness

get happy iphone app

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Get Happy
is an iPhone app developed by Lisa Patterson-Kane that claims it can help users get happy and stay happy in their personal lives. If you need motivation or inspiration to find inner peace, this app may just be the perfect choice for you.

After you select how you feel about a bunch of different areas of your life, you will receive a list of personalized tips, suggestions, and recommendations to improve your life satisfaction. Areas that you need to rate include relationships, personal growth, work education, and leisure.


The tips you get aren’t just fortune cookie platitudes, either. Okay, some of them are a little on the brief side. But many others are actually quite lengthy pieces of advice, and it’s nice to see that kind of quality in a pay-to-play app.

Get Happy has a great design: the fonts, color scheme, and overall design work together to create an app experience that just feels happy. It’s pretty obvious that an all-black color scheme would have been a mistake here, but it’s still nice to see an app where form and function meld so well together.


If you crave self-help advice that relevant and highly actionable, Get Happy is probably a better place to start than some over-price, over-hyped self improvement book.

Get Happy won’t ever take the place of a psychologist for a seriously depressed person, of course, but for the average person who suffers from a case of the common malaise, this handy app is worth checking out.

SCORE: 9/10

Get Happy is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

The content of this application is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used as a standalone treatment for psychiatric or medical conditions. If you have thoughts of harming yourself or others, seek immediate assistance from a medical professional. Please consult your healthcare provider, psychologist or counselor if you have any questions or concerns.