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Grasp Business Opportunities with StayTouch!

Grasp Business Opportunities with StayTouch!

StayTouch Concept

You’ve had the most amazing pitch ever, and it’s now time to wrap up the deal with that all-important contact swap. Saving you the trouble of reading out your number to multiple persons and correcting countless topographical mistakes, StayTouch ensures that users stay in touch with one tap. It circumvents the need for easily disposable media such as napkins and sees to it that that business opportunity doesn’t pass you by because of human error. StayTouch avails a wireless contact exchange solution you can carry out in a single motion, ensuring convenience and professionalism as well.

App Features

You can download StayTouch on both the Apple and Google Stores to take advantage of its many networking features:

Working of the app

You can create multiple profiles upon signing up so that you can share different ones with different people, according to your marketing needs. The swapping process works a lot like how media sharing takes place between two phones over a shared connection, i.e. Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Exchanging numbers is as simple as one click of a button, that button being the “Transfer to Share Profile.” You can specify from your list of profiles which one you’d like to send out and the recipient will “accept” the request to get your contact info. More on how the app works and its many offerings is available in the settings category under “How to StayTouch.”

Why is StayTouch ahead of its rivals?

StayTouch offers much more than a simple contact exchange system; it doubles up as an important record manager so you can keep track of your business trail and further triples up as a meeting reminder and scheduler. You’ll be hard-pressed to find all these features under one roof, which is why StayTouch is particularly unique.

Saving you time, trouble, and embarrassment, StayTouch is ushering the future of networking!