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Halo 4 Release Date Approaching; Fifth To Ninth Sequels Already In The Works?

The Halo 4 release date is still some weeks away but it looks like Microsoft has some extremely long term plans for the popular FPS franchise, plans that stretch up to a ninth sequel. Could Microsoft really be thinking that far ahead?

According to a report from Fusible, Microsoft has secured several domain names centering around the Halo franchise through internet brand protection company MarkMonitor:

Through the internet brand protection company MarkMonitor, Microsoft has apparently acquired the domains (Whois), (Whois), (Whois), (Whois) and (Whois).

No word on whether Microsoft had to purchase these domains from other individuals and if they did, how much each of those names cost them. And with Microsoft’s ‘policy” of keeping these type of deals secret, it’s probably going to remain that way.

While there’s no official word if Microsoft indeed has the series mapped out until Halo 9, it’s highly possible that Microsoft has just chosen to purchase those domains to keep any websites bearing the “Halo” name under their control.

Microsoft is on a Halo domain buying spree; long before the Halo 4 release date was announced, Microsoft had already acquired the rights to from its previous owner for an undisclosed amount last November 2011. and were acquired March of this year. At this point, Microsoft owns practically all of the most “.com” websites bearing the Halo name, with the exception of four. Here’s the full list: – active website owned by HALO Brand Solutions, not Microsoft. – active website owned by HALO ONE, not Microsoft. –
 owned by Microsoft Corporation. –
 owned by Microsoft Corporation. –
 owned by Microsoft Corporation. –
 owned by Microsoft Corporation.  Privately registered. –
 parked by Colby Thiesen, not owned by Microsoft. –
 active website, not owned by Microsoft. – 
active website owned by Halo 8 Productions, not Microsoft. – owned by Microsoft Corporation.  Privately registered. –
 owned by Microsoft Corporation.


There’s no doubt that the possibility of the series reaching Halo 10 is highly likely, especially with its continued popularity and the support of mighty Microsoft. It’s interesting to speculate though where the series will be when it does finally hits double digit sequel numbers. For now, we’ll have to wait and see where 343 Industries takes the series when November 6th, the Halo 4 release date, finally arrives.