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Happy Birthday IMDb! Turns 22 today

When the Internet Movie Database launched on this date back in 1990, Tim Berners Lee had imagined but hadn't actually tested the graphical internet

How old is IMDb? When the Internet Movie Database launched on this date back in 1990, Tim Berners Lee had already imagined but hadn’t actually created the graphical internet (a.k.a. the web) — something developed and tested on a NeXT Workstation. That said, at birth and until the mid-90s, IMDb was just text floating in a terminal window.

Where were you on October 17, 1990? Chances are I was in a Taibei, Taiwan youth hostel completely unaware that internet history was being made:

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is an online database of information related to films, television programs, actors, production crew personnel, video games and fictional characters featured in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment destinations, with over 100 million unique users each month and a solid and rapidly growing mobile presence. IMDb was launched on October 17, 1990, and in 1998 was acquired by — Wikipedia

Currently, IMDb lists around 2.5 million titles and 5.3 million personalities in its database — it is very, very hard to stump the IMDb and that’s a good thing. And, even though now a commercial enterprise, user input is still inimitable part of how it operates.

So, once again, happy birthday, IMDb. The internet wouldn’t be the internet without you…

What’s your take?

via Tech News Today 609, image GeekSugar